Meet our Team!

Serving South Georgian Bay since 1975, The Blue Mountain Foundation for the Arts (BMFA) is a non-profit, community Arts organization based in Collingwood, Ontario. The BMFA is committed to inspiring excellence in the visual arts through educational and creative opportunities. The BMFA is comprised of a dedicated team of members, staff, volunteers and board members.

Follow us on instagram to keep up with all things art! @bmfafoundationarts 




Amber Ebert
Director of Operations

Email: [email protected]

Amber Ebert has 15 years of experience working with arts organizations to plan, implement and deliver arts programs She has worked with organizations such as Tapestry Opera, Soundstreams, Young People’s Theatre and Centennial College. After obtaining a degree in Theatre and Performance Studies and a diploma in Cultural Management, she performed professionally in productions at Bad Times Theatre and Factory Theatre in Toronto. Amber served on the Board of Directors of the Arts Education Network of Ontario (formerly PAONE) for six years. In 2017 she was one of ten international participants selected to attend the inaugural two-week Teaching Artist Leadership & Advocacy Lab delivered by Lincoln Centre Education in New York City.  Currently, she is the Network Development Coordinator for the SGB Arts Network and oversaw the network launch in 2022 in collaboration with key members of the cultural community in Collingwood and throughout the region.




Willa Easton
Admin Assistant

Email: [email protected]  

Willa Easton is a recent Western University graduate with a Bachelor of Arts Honours specialisation in English and Cultural Studies. She is currently preparing to pursue a Master’s degree in Media, Journalism, and Communications (MMJC) at Western University’s Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS), where she aims to further explore her passion for environmental journalism. Willa loves art and was involved in the Ekphrasis collection of Huron University College’s 2024 Grubstreet Journal, which features two of her paintings. Her artwork caught the eye of the Huron Underground Dramatic Society (HUDS), where she was recruited for set design and created digital projections for the 2023 and 2024 HUDs productions. In association with English 2400E, she workshopped and worked backstage on a cabaret initiative that raised funds for the 2024 HUDS production, Heathers.

Board Members

Patricia Andrew

Karin Modotto 

Judy Morrison
Past Chair

Judy Scopes

Linda Unsworth
Vice Chair